Almost every Technical SEO recommendation is a waste of time.
In my experience, technical SEO is only 10% of what gets you ranked on Google.
The other 90%?
Content + Links.
Instead of wasting the Engineering team’s time, we:
- Talk to our customers and do keyword research on what they say.
- Get the brand name out there.
- Earn links and attention from credible sources in our industry.
- Actually HELP people solve problems.
- Bring lived experience, expertise, and authority to everything.
- Spotlight the experts on our team and the work they do.
- Add to the conversation. Teach people something new!
- Consistently deliver REAL value — over a long period of time.
STOP treating SEO like its a checklist of code fixes.
START giving a damn about what you say, how you say it, and who says it.
If you’re struggling to get your voice heard, if you’re bandwidth constrained, or if you’re unsatisfied with the generic crap most agencies make — we hear you and we’re here to help.